Bible Lessons With Practicing the Presence

Psalms 42: 1-8
Psalms 91: 1-16
Luke 15: 11-32
John 15: 1-8

Chapter 1: Spiritual Consciousness

Genesis 1: 26-28, 31
Genesis 2: 1-3
Luke 4: 1-21
Luke 12: 22-32
Ephesians 2: 1-10, 14-22
Chapter 2: Demonstrate God
Deuteronomy 4: 29-31
Isaiah 55: 6-12
Proverbs 8: 1-11, 17-21
Luke 12: 22-40
John 1: 1-4, 9-14
John 5: 1-23, 30
John 10: 22-30
Revelations 3: 14-21


Chapter 3: God the Only Power
Exodus 20: 1-3
Deuteronomy 6: 4-9
Isaiah 43: 1, 2, 10, 11
Isaiah 45: 5, 12, 13, 18-22
Psalms 139: 7-18
Luke 4: 1-14
Luke 5: 12-25
Luke 10: 25-28
John 10: 14-18
II Timothy 1: 7-10
Revelations 2: 26-29
Revelations 21: 5-7
Revelations 22: 1-5, 16, 17


Chapter 4: The Infinite Nature of Individual Being
Isaiah 46: 3-5, 9
Jeremiah 23: 23, 24
Jeremiah 31: 31-34
Luke 18: 18, 19
Matthew 5: 43-45
Acts 10: 1-46 to 1st “,”
Matthew 17: 24-26
Matthew 6: 25-33
John 10: 22-38
Psalms 23: 1-6


Chapter 5: Love Thy Neighbor
Jeremiah 31:3
John 15: 12-17
I John 2: 7-11, 15-17
I John 3: 1, 2, 18, 25
I John 4: 4-8, 15-21
I Corinthians 12: 12-27
I Corinthians 13: 1-10
John 17: 5-8, 20-23, 25, 26
Revelations 21: 1-4


Chapter 6: To Him That Hath
I Kings 17: 1-16
II Kings 4: 1-7
Matthew 25: 14-29
Luke 17: 5-10
Romans 3: 10-12, 19-24
Romans 4: 14-16 to “;”
Romans 5: 1-5, 19-21
John 15: 1-8
John 17: 1, 13-22


Chapter 7: Meditation

Psalm 1: 1-3
Psalms 4: 3-8
Psalms 139: 1-18
Isaiah 44: 2-8
Matthew 7: 21
John 4: 31-34
Luke 8: 4-18
Luke 12: 22-32
John 10: 7-30


Chapter 8: The Rhythm of God
Genesis 1: 26-28, 31
Genesis 2: 1-3
Exodus 33: 12-14
I KIngs 19: 1-13 to first “.”
Isaiah 11: 1-10
Isaiah 30: 1, 2, 7, 15 to 1st “:”
Isaiah 57: 15, 19-21
Matthew 11: 25-30
Luke 8: 41-56
Luke 9: 51-56
John 14: 27, 28
John 16: 28-33
Hebrews 4: 1-6, 9-12
Ephesians 2: 8-10, 14-22
Colossians 3: 12-16


Chapter 9: A Moment of Christhood
John 1: 1-4, 9-14
Jeremiah 1: 4-12
Isaiah 55: 7-12 to “:”
John 3: 17
John 6: 27-29, 47-51, 57, 63
John 8: 1-11
Luke 9: 49-56
John 9: 1-7
John 12: 23-26
John 13: 31-34
John 15: 1-13
John 17: 2-26
Luke 23: 33, 34, 39-43
ICorinthians 13: 1-8 to 1st “:”
I John 3: 1-3
I John 4: 4, 6-8, 16-21


Chapter 10: The Vision to Behold
Proverbs 3: 5-8, 13-26
Proverbs 4: 5-27 to “:”
Isaiah 54: 1-3, 11-14, 17
Matthew 7: 6-12
Luke 10: 1-9, 17-20, 25-37
Luke 6: 30-38
Matthew 25: 31-45
John 10: 1-30
John 15: 5-12