John and Sandra Stephenson have been publishing Virginia’s classes since 1982. During that time they traveled with her, recorded her talks, choose the titles, and took extensive notes. From their studio in Kailua they mastered the tapes and CD and made Virginia’s classes available to the student body. While mastering the classes they noted the outstanding sessions and categorize them by topics.

In 2008, during a meditation, John had the idea to present Virginia’s outstanding work in the form of study courses. Over a period of months John and Sandra listened to the noted classes and organized them to fit each course in the study program. They chose twelve sessions from each theme that would take the student from the introduction of the course principles to the highest mystical revelations of that principle.

The nine courses available to study also follow a progressive pattern of unfoldment. They guide the student from the foundations of mysticism, through the practical application and healing nature of mystical principles to the experience of spiritual union.

In 2013 a pair of students compiled the transcripts of the recordings that make up each course into a print-on-demand booklet – one for each course. They are available on for an additional charge. (Search for Virginia Stephenson) The CD courses and companion booklets give the serious student an intensive program of spiritual development.

Individuals who study this work will benefit from the hours of spiritual work done by Sandra and John, and by their dedication over many, many years to the mystical way of life. These courses are offered with love, gratitude and great joy.

Virginia’s courses are no longer available in CD format. All our material is digitally downloaded as Mp3 files. You get all the 12 lessons with each download as well as the syllabus that gives the title and description of each lesson.

1. The Foundation of Spiritual Living
2. The Nature of God
3. The Nature of Christ
4. Meditation and Prayer
5. The Nature of Error
6. The Nature of Individual Being
7. Body
8. Spiritual Healing
9. Mystical Union

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