Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Virginia Stephenson.
Virginia is one of the five original teachers selected by Joel Goldsmith to teach his message of The Infinite Way. She spent over forty years traveling the world teaching the Infinite Way. She retired in 2004 lives in Hawaii near her son and daughter-in-law.
Virginia’s long career in teaching mysticism and its practical application is reflected in the abundance of study material available on this site. You will find her Bible Lessons which were included in Joel’s Monthly Letters from 1963 to 1965. We also have the last four years of Virginia’s own Monthly Lessons available to study. These lessons were mailed to students around the world until 2015. We have mp3 recordings available to download that are the source material for the lessons.
When Virginia retired from traveling the world and actively teaching, she compiled a series of Courses for Spiritual Development that are available on this site. There are nine courses available in MP3 and CD format that take the student through the stages of mystical awareness, from the foundations of spiritual understanding to mystical union.
Study the Bible using the lessons Virginia compiled for Joel’s Monthly Letters from January 1963 to December 1965.
These Bible Lessons give the origin to many of the principles that Joel presents in the following books: The Infinite Way and Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture, The Contemplative Life, and Practicing the Presence. Studying the Bible was an essential part of Joel’s message. He often used Bible passages in his talks, and revelations from Scripture became the foundation of his mystical message. We offer this tool to further your study and understanding of the mysticism presented here.
Study the last four years of Virginia’s own Monthly Lessons.
After Virginia retired from traveling and giving classes, she began publishing every month a series of lesson based on her recent classes. These Monthly Lessons were sent out from 2005 to 2015. You can read and study the last four years of those LESSONS HERE.
Read Virginia’s Infinite Way history here.
Listen to a selection of Virginia’s talks here.
We are happy to present two of Virginia’s classic pamphlets:
Establishing Love’s Day
“Do not separate your spiritual life from everyday living.
Establish God as the law unto this day”
Download or read the pamphlet here.
The High Calling
“Human thinking would like to hold the whole world hostage to lawlessness,
whether on the physical or mental level, and have us yield to enmity and
violence, retaliating evil for evil.”
Download or read the pamphlet here.
In his book Beyond Words and Thoughts, Joel Goldsmith says: “No one is ever going to tamper with The Infinite Way because it has no personal savior or personal revelator. It is the spirit of Truth Itself voicing Itself, and be assured that the voice of Truth will always have a transparency, or a million transparencies, through which and as which to reach human consciousness.”