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John studied with Joel Goldsmith during the 1960s and has been teaching Infinite Way principles since 1995. From 1982 he and his wife, Sandra Knight Stephenson, began recording and publishing Virginia Stephenson’s classes. Today John maintains the Aloha Mystics website where the classes, courses, and printed material that reveal the mystical principles of The Infinite Way can be studied and purchased.
We are not affiliated with any organization or group, but freely associate with those who accept the vision of Joel Goldsmith as stated at the beginning of all of his books: “Illumination dissolves all material ties and binds men together with the golden chains of spiritual understanding; it acknowledges only the leadership of the Christ; it has no ritual or rule but the divine, impersonal universal Love; no other worship than the inner Flame that is ever lit at the shrine of Spirit. This union is the free state of spiritual brotherhood. The only restraint is the discipline of Soul; therefore, we know liberty without license; we are a united universe without physical limits, a divine service to God without ceremony or creed. The illumined walk without fear – by Grace.”